(Please click the picture to view the party video, 點圖片觀看耶誕影片!)
Happy Holidays! Christmas is fast approaching and the joy of XMAS is in the air! At U KOOL ENGLISH, not only do we provide our dear students with professional, enthusiastic, and creative teaching fashions, but we are also eager to create a joyful, sound and inspirational learning environment as our ultimate goal.
In this film, Teacher Johnny has deliberately prepared kids' favorite snacks, singing activities and games for his class. Learning a language is definitely more than absorbing the lexicons, grammar, or a great bunch of rules on the books. It should be a process that prompts the learner to be a better global citizen who knows how to communicate better and with more efficiency. Want to help your kids learn English better? Then come to U KOOL ENGLISH and the job is on US! Come and enjoy and U KOOL ENGLISH is always around to assist! :) Again, we all wish everyone a safe and wonderful MERRY CHRISTMAS!
耶誕假期愉快! 隨著聖誕節到來,節分氣息也越來越明顯! 優酷英語文理,除提供我們親愛的學生們專業、熱情,以及創新的教學方法,我們也冀望創造歡樂、健全,以及激發潛能的環境為我們的最大目標。
在這部影片裡,洪老師(JOHNNY)精心準備了孩子們最愛的零食,英語歌曲帶動唱以及小遊戲給孩子們。學語言不應只是習得課本上單字、文法以及一堆規則,而應該是讓孩子成為地球村中,善用英語並更有效率地跟世界溝通的一份子。想幫孩子快樂有效率學英文嗎?那就來優酷英語文理吧! 我們將竭誠為您服務唷! 台南市學專業英語,選優酷英語文理就對了!
U KOOL ENGLISH 教學團隊 敬賀 大家耶誕佳節順心愉快!