Ghost Month Is Here!
It's the beginning of July of the Lunar Calendar, or the so-called "Ghost Month" in Chinese culture. Let's practice with the theme and see if you're up to this legendary superstition.
鬼月到囉! 農曆七月是中華文化所謂的「鬼月」,現在讓優酷英語文理跟大家一起練習相關主題的翻譯和寫作吧!
※ Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.
你是個迷信的人嗎? 中國文化裡,有很多的古老傳說與禁忌。舉月亮來當說好了,如果你手指月亮,據說你的耳朵會被割掉。此外,狗在中國文化裡會帶來財富或好運,但你絕不可以在家裡養兩隻狗。在中文,兩隻狗會形成「哭」這個字,代表將替家裡帶來厄運。中國新年期間,大人會跟小孩說不要掃地,因為這樣會將財富掃出門。很多人也相信「四」這個數字是很不吉利的,因為發音跟「死」非常類似。你相信這些故事嗎?
※ Composition: To Believe It Or Not to Believe It, It’s All Up To Thee!
Direction: Since “July of the lunar calendar” is coming (the so-called “ghost month” in Chinese culture), many people share different legends, taboos, or horror stories with each other. Are you a person who believes in “superstitions?” Now discuss your stance (believe or not believe) and explain why you think this way. Illustrate with detailed and specific examples. (120-150 words)
P.S. 歡迎留言或傳私訊寫下你的答案,會有老師幫您批改,謝謝。Welcome to leave a comment or send a private message to me and I'll correct for you. Thanks a lot!