WEEK 2 第三回 (A3)
1. apologize (v.)道歉
2. anxious (adj.)焦慮的
3. axe (n.)斧頭
4. achieve (v.)達成
5. apron (n.)圍裙;停機坪
6. amuse (v.)取悅(某人)
7. alcoholic (adj.)含酒精的
8. advertise (v.)廣告
9. ashamed (adj.)感到羞愧的
10. adventure (n.)探險;冒險
11. amid (prep.)在…之中
12. arouse (v.)喚醒;引起(…感覺)
13. appeal (v.)吸引
14. arithmetic (n.)算數
15. ash (n.)灰燼(複數形ashes)
16. astronaut (n.)太空人
17. attitude (n.)態度
18. author (n.)作者
19. average(n.)平均(值)
20. applicant (n.)申請者
21. association(n.)協會
22. assume (v.)假設;猜想
23. atmosphere (n.)氣氛;大氣層
24. attach (v.)附上(-ment附件)
[ U KOOL Exercise 優酷英語!挑戰你的英檢字彙]
1. Please check the file in your e-mail. I sent it as an ____.
2. The big house was on fire earlier this morning and everything was burnt into____.
3. All____ are required to(被要求做…) send their resumes first. If the person meets the requirements, the personnel(人事部門) will contact him/her.
4. UNICEF(United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund,聯合國兒童基金會) is an international ____ that aids and supports children in need around the globe(全球).
5. My grade point ____ (GPA,平均分數) this semester is 4.0(滿分). That means I got an A in each subject!
6. You ought to change your ____ toward life. Always look on the bright side of your life and be positive!
7. Never____ someone will handle (處理) every single problem for you. You should count on yourself first and seek for solutions if you can’t deal with the situation.
8. We really enjoyed the joyful ____ at Mandy’s birthday party. Everyone had a lot of fun.
9. It’s widely known that J.K. Rowling is the ____ of Harry Potter series (系列叢書).
10. Although my English is excellent, my ____is rather poor. I’m always confused with numbers.
11. Some people argued that Neil Armstrong wasn’t the first ____ who landed the moon.
12. Going to the dark forest was a real ____ . We were so scared but everyone felt excited.
13. Susan is quite outstanding ____ the students because she always participates in every class with enthusiasm and full attention.
14. I felt so ____ when I realized that I had gone into the wrong chamber at the restaurant! I should have paid more attention to the door number.
15. It took him nearly 10 years to ____ his goal. Now he can finally enjoy the payoff (成果) of his effort.
16. Are you cutting the tree with that small ____? You should take advantage of modern machinery. For example, an electric saw!
17. Do not consume (攝取) any____ beverages before you drive or work! You don’t want to put yourself in a jeopardous (危險的) situation, do you?
18. It’s not uncommon for companies to _____ their products on the Internet. After all, it’s much cheaper and far more convenient for them to promote their merchandise (商品=goods).
19. This brilliant idea really ___ to Karen’s boss. He has approved the proposal and will execute (執行;實施) the plan in the near future.
20. Jack stood me up (放我鴿子) the day before yesterday. He seriously owes (虧欠) me an ____ .
21. The strange sound from the kitchen ____ my curiosity (好奇心), so I went there to see what had happened.
22. The clown greatly ____ the audiences because he was very silly and funny. Everyone busted into laughter when he
23. Diana has been feeling ____ since she has been taking way too many tests and dealing with too many school reports.
24. You’d better wear your ____ when you’re cooking. You don’t want to leave any stains on your new sweater.
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