1. Home Remedy: Sugar
It fixes: Hiccups (打嗝不停嗎?下次來一湯匙糖,甜甜又有效唷!)
I didn’t really know that sugar could fix this annoying problem because I used to drink lots of water only. So I’ll try a teaspoon of sugar when I have this problem again. Try it!
Home Remedy: Olives or Lemons
It fixes: Motion sickness (暈車嗎?來顆橄欖或檸檬吧!)
Many people always take a pill before they hit the road because they don’t want to suffer from motion sickness such as feeling nauseated on the boat or after the roller coaster ride. But it’s kind of crazy to count on pills all the time and…you know…we forget sometimes so it’s nice to know that we can always eat some olives or suck on a fresh slice of lemon to cure this sickness. They’re much easier to get, aren’t they? J
Home Remedy: Vegetable Oil
fixes: Brittle nails (指甲太乾燥嗎?用些蔬菜油來滋潤吧!)
Well…it’s a bit weird for me to apply oil to my hands instead of hand lotion because oil smells kinda weird for me. I’d rather use hand cream though I know oil might be cheaper and richer. So I’ll leave this to you and it depends on you whether you want to use oil or not.
4. Home Remedy: Peppermint or cinnamon gum
fixes: The stress of a traffic-packed commute (壓力很大不舒服嗎?讓薄荷或肉桂口味口香糖幫你舒壓!)
I think chewing gum is a good way to fix your emotional stress though some people are pretty against this artificial snack. But make sure not to chew it on the MRT or public transportation because it’s considered a bad manner. And you will get fined on the MRT in Taipei and Kaohsiung.
5. Home Remedy: Apples
It fixes: Your
tinted teeth (一天一瓶果,蛀牙遠離我!)
“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away” is a common statement we hear in English. And it has a special way to clean your teeth. When you’re biting your apple, it also cleans the stain on your teeth. So eat more apples! And have more whiter teeth!
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