Caption: Teddy & Johnny! (泰迪熊和強尼老師)
It'd been a while before I was mentally prepared and officially saw the "legendarily fun and dump" movie - ted in the theater. Although it is alleged that the plot is silly (well...for some parts, YES), I would say this movie is both entertaining and creative! This movie will totally alter your conception of what a Teddy bear is supposed to be!
For the entertaining part, you'll get to see an awkward but agile Teddy bear swearing and partying with real human beings. As for the creative part, I was actually quite touched by the relationship among the three main characters (I can't tell you too much because you gotta check it our yourself).
娛樂的部分,你可以看到這隻身手矯健的熊搞怪,和一堆人在劇中滿口髒話你來我往,並且在派對上瘋狂作樂的情況。創意呢? 我必須說我還真的被劇中三個主角所衍生的關係劇情感動到呢!(抱歉無法透露太多劇情,自己去看吧!)
Anyway the leading character happened to be named "JOHN" or "JOHNNY" and I somehow could relate myself to the story because it revived the inner curiosity and energy within my "mature" state of mind. I'd recommend you that you head to the theater and see it for yourself (ATT.: You have to be 18 or above). And as a reminder, don't see this movie if you're morally and spiritually intolerant to the "DIRTY WORDS" spoken by a Teddy bear. Ready for the BEAR FUN?
總之,這部片子主角和筆者的英文名剛好一樣都叫JOHNNY(強尼),讓我在觀賞時或多或少能融入片中劇情,而故事情節也激起了我"日趨成熟"心中的好奇心與熱血! 真的蠻推薦大家去看這部片的!(注意:必須年滿18歲方可觀賞)。順便提醒一下,如果你對道德善良風俗有很高的標準且無法容忍一隻泰迪熊到狂飆髒話,那就省省吧! 你~準備好好感受一下傳說中的"熊"威了嗎?
Reviewed by: JOHNNY @ U KOOL ENGLISH, TAINAN, TAIWAN! (Click to view our Facebook點選觀看臉書)