目前分類:【英語學習】 (32)

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Composed Black Tea 


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FB e learning English  



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ES-001 Class Pic 


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Why Do People Nowadays Enjoy Coffee?

coffee cup   


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Dear Class, now it's time for you to come back to our website and practice the translation questions again online! If you have any questions regarding word choices or phrases, please feel free to leave a message here or simply log onto our FACEBOOK website and drop me a line. Remeber, practice makes you better and laziness only makes you worse! Bear in mind and wish you a pleasant learning experience here with U KOOL ENGLISH! Your B-E-S-T English learning partner - U KOOL ENGLISH!

親愛的高中班同學,即日起開放線上翻譯題練習,讓大家可以溫故知新,利用網路學習英語,將先前的課堂內容整合,增加多元的英語學習&練習機會! 假使你有任何選字或片語使用上面的問題,歡迎在台南市優酷英語的學習部落格上留言,或上我們的臉書專頁留言。記得唷~勤能補拙,但懶惰只會讓你的英語退步唷! 希望大家能謹記在心,用功讀書學英語。你的英語學習好夥伴~台南市優酷英語~祝大家英語學習愉快!

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Dic  Mag  

Dear Class, now it's time for you to come back to our website and practice the translation questions again online! If you have any questions regarding word choices or phrases, please feel free to leave a message here or simply log onto our FACEBOOK website and drop me a line. Remeber, practice makes you better and laziness only makes you worse! Bear in mind and wish you a pleasant learning experience here with U KOOL ENGLISH! Your B-E-S-T English learning partner - U KOOL ENGLISH!


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好學與超級愛英語進修的JOHNNY老師,參加了由財團法人LTTC(The Language Testing & Training Center)語言訓練測驗中心所舉辦的年度全民英檢檢定(GEPT, General English Proficiency Test)研習營,期望可以從中獲得最新測驗方向與與言學習&教學資訊,並將其帶回來受惠予台南市優酷英語學生,或是台南市(及其他地區)想將英語學好的朋友們。

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Hey everyone! Since Lantern Festival is coming, teacher Johnny would like to share 10 interesting English riddles for all of you to guess. The answers are listed below and guess before you see the answers! Have fun!

(大家好! 因為元宵節快到啦!JOHNNY老師想跟大家分享十個有趣的英語謎猜讓支持台南市優酷英語的好朋友們來猜! 答案就列在下面,記得先動動腦猜一下,在看答案唷! 玩得開心啊!)

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