
Chinese Valentine  

HAPPY Chinese Valentine's Day!

今天是一年一度的中國七夕情人節! 不知道是不是牛郎和織女太感動了~竟然哭出兩個颱風啊! @@ 希望一切平安順利! 既然颱風天又是情人節,那我們來討論一下: 你希望怎麼過你專屬的七夕情人節呢? (How will you celebrate your OWN Chinese Valentine's Day?)

a) 待在家,兩人吃頓晚餐,看個DVD或聽音樂談心。
Stay home and have dinner with your lover. Also watch DVDs/listen to music and have a pleasant chat.

b) 去購物,兩人上館子慶祝,到公園吹涼風、看星星談心。
Go shopping and have dinner in a restaurant. Also have a great chat and enjoy the relaxing breeze and beautiful star in the park.

c) 不慶祝,因為天天都是情人節,快樂就好。
Celebrate NOTHING! As long as we are happy, each day means Valentine's Day!

d) 還是...聊一下你的慶祝方式(回答中英文皆可)
Or...tell us your ways of celebration! (you can choose to answer in either Chinese or English.)

Looking forward to hearing from you! 期待大家的回應唷!

U KOOL ENGLISH wishes everyone a great and safe

Chinese Valentine's Day!

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